When it comes to lift station odor control, a strong odor that makes you cringe could be the first indicator that septic tank issues are on the rise. A rotten egg smell, known as hydrogen sulfide, is unmistakable and a strong signifier that lift station odor control is needed.

With proper lift station odor control maintenance, the horrible and unpleasant smell that people should not breathe in, can be avoided all together. Hydrogen sulfide, is toxic and poses serious health risks for sewer collector system operators, and can be poisonous.
It is important to maintain good relationships with neighbors and residents by ensuring that lift station odor control is in place and that the sewer collection system is free from odors. Bioaugmentation and other non-chemical solutions have been developed for sewer collection systems and lift station odor control. These are amongst the best solutions.
How Can Lift Station Odor Control Prevent the "Rotten Egg Smell"?
Septic conditions and a lack of lift station odor control are the main factors in sewer collection systems and the lift stations emitting an awful and toxic smell. This condition is most common in systems that collect fluids in warmer environments.
Unsanitary conditions can develop when bacteria consumes all the oxygen available while decomposing organic matter from the wastewater to produce energy. Low-velocity sewers encourage bacteria to reduce sulfates which, in turn, leads to the production of sulfides.
Anaerobic wastewater conditions don't allow sulfides to oxidize.
Sulfides can be combined with hydrogen to produce hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S), which gives rise to the unpleasant "rotten egg" smell when lift station odor control isn't in place. If the water level is above the water line, corrosion can occur. Aerobic bacteria can oxidize hydrogen sulfuride gas and make sulfuric acid on a wet surface, which causes concrete to deteriorate.
for Lift Station Odor Control
In-Pipe Technology understands the problems associated with sewer collection systems when there is a lack of lift station odor control. We have developed a microbiological solution to address the sewer collection system's worst odors and buildup.
In-Pipe Technology produces solutions that are non-hazardous and environmentally responsible. They reduce and prevent noxious odors as well as poisonous H2S gas. The microbial solution digests the solids, volatile fatty acid (VFAs) and FOG (fats oils and grease) to stop H2S and VFA odors forming.
Our products are made with proprietary ingredients that reduce odor and improve FOG digestion that are used in:
Lift Stations
Sludge Tanks
Grease Traps
Lagoons and ponds
Sewer Collection Systems
For more questions about how In-Pipe Technology can implement lift station odor control solutions in your community, reach out to us today: 630.509.2488