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In-Pipe Technology Announces Approval Of NYSERDA Project Report Studying Green Sewer Collection System Treatment In Suffolk County, NY

April 30, 2012

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WHEATON, IL (PRWEB) - In-Pipe Technology® Company, Inc. announced today that the NYSERDA Research Program Manager approved for public release the final report detailing the impact of In-Pipe’s professional, green sewer collection system services on the energy consumption and cost reduction at two separate Suffolk County, NY wastewater treatment plants. In-Pipe’s technology was studied over a period of three years at two locations; a primarily industrial park wastewater treatment plant (Sewer District # 18 – ITT) and a domestic wastewater treatment plant (Sewer District # 20 – Leisure village). The report documents the reduction in energy utilization by the facilities, the reduction in the influent organic loadings at the plants, and the significant reduction in the effluent nitrogen discharged to the percolation filters prevalent in Suffolk County.

The collaborative project was funded by NYSERDA and Suffolk County. A major focus of the project was the improvement of effluent quality, particularly nitrogen compounds since Suffolk County has a large number of small wastewater treatment plants (< 2 MGD) that discharge into infiltration basins and could potentially affect the drinking water aquifer. Utilizing In-Pipe, energy reductions of over 14% and 23% were realized for the two treatment plants.

”The opportunity to reduce the overall energy consumption for wastewater treatment is profound using In-Pipe Technology,” stated John Williams, President and CEO of In-Pipe Technology. “This project spanned a period of over four years. We are very grateful for the efforts and support of both NYSERDA and Suffolk County’s DPW Staff. Energy requirements for treatment are well documented by the industry, and we have repeatedly provided significant reductions throughout our installed client base. The NYSERDA Report will assist many other municipalities in their decision process regarding innovative methods to improve treatment operations. The NYSERDA Report will be widely distributed and will be available on both In-Pipe’s and NYSERDA’s websites,” added Mr. Williams.

In-Pipe’s patented technology includes the continuous addition of a high concentration formulation of facultative, naturally-occurring, non-pathogenic bacteria to strategic locations throughout the sewer system in accordance with an engineered plan. This entails zero capital cost and no additional energy requirement. Performance in the collection system provides increased capacity within the plant, forestalls costly upgrades, and extends the life of the existing infrastructure.

In-Pipe Technology offers specialized technical expertise, strong customer understanding, and deep resource knowledge. Since In-Pipe uses natural, biological methods that complement the treatment plant’s own processes, In-Pipe is a sustainable solution − environmentally and economically.

If you would like more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with John Williams, President & CEO, please contact Nikole Clay, Marketing Manager at (630)-871-5844 ext. 229.

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