The Town of Orange Park, Florida was challenged to meet the 2012 Florida TMDL limit of 7 mg/L total nitrogen in the effluent discharge (22,000 pounds N annually). To meet the deadline the Town decided on a three-phase upgrade plan and selected In-Pipe Technology® to improve effluent quality during the process improvements and as an alternative solution to the problem of improving process Nitrogen removal.
The first phase was designed to bring the plant into compliance at a daily flow rate of 1.45 MGD by converted two of the contact stabilization (CS) basins into extended air basins and one CS basin into a 4-Stage Bardenpho BNR process. The second and third phases (future) would consist of further improvements to allow the WWTP to maintain compliance at the full permitted throughput of 2.5 MGD. In-Pipe started the comprehensive collection system dosing program in 2007 and since then the plant has gone from discharging an average of 171 pounds per day of nitrogen down to just 71 pounds per day of nitrogen—a reduction of nearly 60%. With IPT, the average effluent nitrogen concentration was 10 mg/L compared with 24 mg/L before IPT.

In addition to improving the nitrogen removal of the process, In-Pipe Technology has reduced the influent and effluent CBOD by 52% and 36% respectively. Further, due to the lower oxygen requirements of In-Pipe bacteria, the plant is saving $60,000 a year in digester aeration energy by introducing IPT’s blend of facultative heterotrophic spore forming bacteria. In-Pipe worked together with Legacy Civil Engineers and the Orange Park WWTP to optimize the plant for In-Pipe biology - the result is a drastic improvement in effluent water quality and a reduction in effluent total nitrogen to within the plant’s interim permitted limit and very close to the 2012 TMDL using the existing infrastructure at the WWTP.
Reduction Influent CBOD
Reduction Influent TSS
Reduction Effluent CBOD
Reduction Effluent Total Nitrogen

Orange Park Wastewater Plant
Orange Park, FL