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How To Remove Fat, Oil and Grease in Wastewater (FOG Removal)

Fat, Oil, and Grease (or FOG) is a common, yet unpleasant by-product of cooking various types of food and it has the ability to cause serious damage in our sewer system. When liquid FOG enters sinks or drains (typical occurrences at food service establishments such as restaurants and pubs) it then solidifies when cooled - leading to blocked pipes which can massively disrupt wastewater treatment processes. Which is why we need a FOG removal system or process in place.

FOG removal image of Fat, oil, and grease traps
How To Remove Fat, Oil and Grease in Wastewater (FOG Removal)

In order to defeat FOG, it helps to understand the full scope of the problem. Here are a few fast facts about FOG:

Oils and fats discharged from restaurants, manufacturing plants, and home kitchens can be a challenge to manage due to their chemical make-up. These lipids are non-polar molecules found in sources such as meat, vegetable oils, dairy products - all of which repel water's polar molecules because they have different densities. To put it simply: oil and water just don't mix!

FOG's presence in wastewater treatment plants can pose a unique challenge, as these facilities often struggle to break down the fatty and viscous material. Unlike other components of municipal sewage that are more easily biodegraded, grease requires special attention within such systems.

Treatment solutions for FOG removal in wastewater

FOG removal requires a multi-faceted approach. To start off, barriers need to be put in place to limit its entrance into the wastewater network. After that, effective strategies should be implemented within sewer systems and treatment plants alike for maximum FOG removal.

Traditional practices include introducing bacteria or enzymes while newer methods involve activating native organisms so they can break down this unwanted material organically can all help with the process of FOG removal.

FOG Removal At The Source

Food service establishments can take active measures to combat Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) by installing a passive grease interceptor unit in their kitchen's grey water outlet. This helps separate the restaurant’s sullage from contaminants like brown grease. To guarantee optimal functioning of these units however, it is necessary for them to be cleaned regularly.

FOG Removal From Drains

When FOG becomes a problem in sewers, hotspots of deposition can require manual removal. These locations are more likely to be affected based on their proximity to populated areas and the characteristics of pipes - such as diameter or condition - along with other aspects like inflows and effluent volume within networks.

FOG Removal at The Waste Water Treatment Plants

Bioaugmentation is an effective and reliable method of FOG removal from wastewater treatment plants. This process entails the introduction of specialized micro-organisms to break down grease buildups, whereby glycerol and fatty acids can be biodegraded by bacteria that feed on fat, sugar or starch wastes.

While it offers a long-term remedy for protecting systems against accumulating fats, oils or greases (FOGs), regular injections may still need to occur in order keep pace with populations within the system itself.

Our Science-Base Approach To FOG Removal

In-Pipe Technology is revolutionizing the industry with their proactive approach to treating and solving FOG buildup before it becomes an issue. Our comprehensive solution gives you control over your wastewater management - no longer do you have to chase after problems, but proactively address them!

Our breakthrough bacteria solution is engineered to naturally and safely aid in the FOG removal process without the need for harsh chemicals, surfactants or other additives. This not only protects your pipes and infrastructure but also saves you time and money in the long run.

Once setup, our automated process takes care of it all so that you can focus on what matters most to you! You’ll see results quickly, and they’ll last over time. We’re committed to providing you with the last FOG removal solution you’ll ever need.

To learn more about In-Pipe's solutions for FOG removal visit our website or give us a call today.

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