Eliminate FOG buildups in your sewer lines. Our proprietary bacteria solution metabolizes FOG naturally and is safe for your system. We don’t use chemicals or surfactants that can cause issues for your pipes and infrastructure because we’re in the business of solving problems for you, not creating them. Once the system is set up, we run it – saving you and your staff time and money.

Don’t wait to fight Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and foul sewer odors after they have formed, go after them at the source: the sewer biofilm. No harsh chemicals. No expensive scrubbers or other equipment. Just a biological battle in which the bad bacteria loses, and the source of the odor is washed away – well before you have to deal with it at a lift station or the treatment plant - and before it stinks up your community.

The sewer collection system is a large bioreactor. Put this underutilized part of your infrastructure to work by supercharging the biological reactions that are already happening there. Start breaking down the organics before the waste stream enters the plant. Use its retention time to grow large amounts of beneficial bacteria that reinforce the microbial community at the treatment plant responsible for removing harmful nutrients.

Your sewer collection system is a large bioreactor. If it is not an active part of your treatment process today, it should be.

Want to know more? Watch this short video.