Does your home have a septic tank? If so, you're probably all too familiar with septic odor, that telltale sewage smell that seems to creep up occasionally, particularly in hot weather. While unpleasant, you may have just assumed that it's an unavoidable fact of life when you have a septic system. However, the truth is that there's usually a reason for that septic odor, and it's often something that can be fixed relatively easily. So let's take a closer look.

What Causes Septic Odor?
One of the most common causes of septic odor is a build-up of methane gas in your tank. Methane is a byproduct of decomposing sewage. While the tank is designed to contain this gas, several factors can cause it to escape. These include:
faulty or damaged seals
cracks or other damage to the tank
blockages in the vent stack
high water levels in the tank
If methane gas escapes from the septic tank, it can rise into your home through the drains and create septic odor. In addition to being a nuisance, this gas can also pose a serious risk to your health.
Another possible cause of septic odor coming into your home is dry P-traps. P-traps are curved sections of drainpipe that are designed to hold a small amount of water at all times. This water forms a barrier between the smelly sewer gases and your home, but if the P-trap dries out—which can happen if you have a leaky faucet or drain somewhere in your home—sewer smells can start making their way inside.
How to Prevent Septic Odor
Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to prevent septic odor in your home. These include:
Pumping your septic tank regularly – most tanks should be pumped every 3-5 years
Repairing any cracks or damage to your septic tank as soon as possible
Checking the vent stack for blockages regularly
Reducing water usage – this will help reduce water levels in the tank and prevent overflow
Never pour grease down the drain – this can solidify and cause blockages in the pipes
Septic odors can be more than just a nuisance—they can also be an indication that something is wrong with your system. Consult a trusted professional for advice and get rid of those unpleasant sewer smells for good.
Remember, when you’ve got bad odors, or septic odor, in the collection system, it’s because the bad bacteria are out-competing the good bacteria. Thus, the only way to eliminate the source of septic odors are to create an environment where the good beats the bad. You can do this simply by consistently adding enough good bacteria – so you can start to produce far more positive biological reactions, and eliminate the negative ones.
In-Pipe’s innovative solution to persistent septic odor problems stands out in the market because it takes care of the problem at its source and doesn’t hurt your equipment or the environment. Cities are looking for inexpensive, long-term, green solutions and In-Pipe will make it possible for you to fix it and forget it.