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Understanding Odor Control In Sewer Lift Stations Emitting Sewer Gas

Sewer gas is an unmistakable stench that's created by the natural biochemical process of certain bacteria breaking down sewage and sludge. It may contain various unsavory components, yet it's primarily hydrogen sulfide that bears responsibility for its notorious smell.

Sewage treatment plant - odor control treatment plant
Understanding Odor Control In Sewer Lift Stations Emitting Sewer Gas

The remainder of gases present in sewer gas (ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane etc.) are actually odorless thankfully.

Hydrogen sulfide, a toxic gas usually associated with sewers odors, is generally not dangerous at normal concentrations. Even if one enters an enclosed area that contains sewage undergoing breakdown in an oxygen-starved environment, highly poisonous levels of this hazardous material can still be avoided as long as protective measures are taken.

Sewer gas can be an unpleasant reminder of the hidden chemical activities occurring beneath our feet. When oxygen and other oxidants are absent, certain reactions take place that result in hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a gaseous compound primarily responsible for the characteristic smell associated with sewage systems.

To avoid this sometimes-unpleasant odor, professional maintenance services may need to intervene through sewer odor control measures.

Wastewater treatment plants and lift stations can have their oxidation-reduction potential increased with the addition of a number of different oxidizers, such as oxygen, hydrogen peroxide or chlorine. Additionally, other compounds like permanganates are often used to help reduce problem levels of hydrogen sulfide in sewage systems.

In-Pipe Technology now offers the IPT-AOP-16 Advanced Oxidation Process System for Lift Stations that requires no chemicals, it needs only a small footprint and uses minimal electrical power.

Our innovative scrubber system works with your existing lift station vent to reduce the impact of odorous hydrogen

sulfide particles. It pulls dangerous chemicals outside and scrubs them before releasing clean air into the environment, providing chemical-free protection for you and your community.

In-Pipe collection system bioaugmentation treatments reduce the majority of the hydrogen sulfide and is an easy yet efficient way to clean the air within the lift station, assist with sewer odor control, and help with corrosion problems in wastewater collection systems.

For more information about In-Pipe's solution to odor control visit our website and fill out the form to be connected with an In-Pipe professional today.

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